CSS -- Text properties

Propriétés Valeur
Valeur initiale Appliquée à Héritée valeur %
normal | <length>
'text-decoration' none | [ underline || ovezrline || line-throught || blink ]
none all elements no, but see clarification below N/A
'vertical-align' baseline | sub | super | top | text-top | middle | bottom | text-bottom | <percentage>
baseline inline elements no refered to the 'line-height' of the element itself
'text-transform' capitalize | uppercase | lowercase | none
none all elements oui N/A
'text-align' left | right | center | justify
UA specific block-level elements oui N/A
'text-indent' <length> | <percentage>
0 block-level elements oui refer to parent element's width
'line-height' normal | <number> | <length> | <percentage>
normal all elements oui relative to the font size of the element itself

text-decoration: underline|italic|line-through|none
Similar to text-style but with more options.

text-align: left|center|right
Defines the align of the text.

text-indent: n
Defines the space to the left margin. n is a number followed by either "px" (for pixels), "in" (for inches), "pt" (for points) or "cm" (for centimeters), for example "10pt".

line-height: n
Defines the space between two baselines. n is a number followed by either "px" (for pixels), "in" (for inches), "pt" (for points) or "cm" (for centimeters), for example "10pt".

Christophe Merlet
©Tous droits réservés
11 avril 1997